Knight (English) Ancient Coat of Arms (Family Crest) Digital Image Instant Download

Knight (English) Ancient Surname Coat of Arms (Family Crest) Image Download
Knight (English) Family Surname Origin and Meaning
From the Old English word ‘cniht’, and the Middle English ‘knyghte’, which means ‘knight’ or ‘boy, or serving lad’. Also meaning a tenant bound to serve his lord as a mounted soldier and later it came to denote a man of some substance, since maintaining horses and armour was an expensive business. In some instances Knight can derive from the French name ‘de
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What is a Coat of Arms?

At first the coat of arms was a practical matter which served a function on the battlefield and in tournaments. With his helmet covering his face, and armour encasing the knight from head to foot, the only means of identification for his followers was the insignia painted on his shield and embroidered on his surcoat, the flowing and draped garment worn over the armour.

Elements of a Coat of Arms (Family Crest)

A coat of arms or coat-armourSee more

British, Irish & European Ancient Coats of Arms (Family Crests) Surname Listing (J-R)

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Available coats of arms (or family crest) image downloads from Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland), Republic of Ireland and most of mainland Europe (J-R).

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Welsh Ancient Coats of Arms (Family Crests) Surname Listing

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Available coats of arms (or family crest) image downloads from Wales, also known as Cymry and Cymru in Welsh, including the Latin spelling Cambria.

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Scottish Ancient Coats of Arms (Family Crests) Surname Listing (A-Z)

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Available coats of arms (or family crest) image downloads from Scotland, anciently known in its Gaelic form of Alba.

If you would like to locate a particular Scottish surname from the names on this page, you can either scroll through … See more

Irish Ancient Coats of Arms (Family Crests) Surname Listing

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Available coats of arms (or family crest) image downloads from Ireland, including the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland (Ulster).

If you would like to locate a particular Irish surname from the names on this page, you can either scroll … See more